I actually started this business with furniture and it grew into clothing. This is a custom chair I did in the Spring. Inspired by JCaroline...one of the "bloggers I'd love to meet"!
I embroidered her name onto Kaffe Fassett fabric and decoupaged it onto the chair. I'm actually working on another one of these right now. Decoupaging fabric onto furniture is becoming a bit of an obsession with me!
This is a custom jeans order I did this wknd. I've been doing a lot of these initial jeans lately. They make great birthday gifts for friends! I LOVE these Amy Butler fabrics in the Fall! I had actually planned to use these for a pair of jeans for myself...but they went to one of my favorite cutomers. Happy Birthday, Avery!!
My model/daughter wasn't too happy about selling a perfectly good pair of jeans that fit AND had her own initial on them!
I'm not sure of the exact names of the fabrics in the previous post but I used Moda for the first outfit (with the halter); I believe that is Michael Miller next; Valori Wells; and then Anna Griffin.
Okay, so the new blog is slow-going. Someone cut the line out at the street so we were computerless for a few days...painful! Then I spent a few days trying to figure out how to download pictures to my kitchen computer, to no avail. It's going to be a pretty boring blog if I can't put any pics on it!
So, I thought I'd just post a few older projects that I've done. I'm always working on different things but my favorite is probably the skirts. So here are a few I've done.
Alan Jackson summed it up so well..."where were you when the world stopped turning?". I know I'm supposed to write about something creative but this day and all that it represents is something we have to recognize. Never Forget. I never will. I was a Flight Attendant on that day and my place of work, as I knew it, was changed forever. God Bless all of the victims. Particularly, the flight crews.
Well, here we go...I guess I'm an official blogger! I'm glad to finally have a place to share all of my crazy, creative ideas with the outside world! Now, if I can just figure out to make it work!